FTTH (Fiber To The Home) este topologia de retea care a oferit in cele din urma, accesul direct al clientului final la o conexiune prin fibra optica. Desigur, tubetele au un rol important in aplicarea si desfasurarea acestei topologii de retea, dat fiind ca sunt alegerea cea mai des intalnita in a proteja cablurile de fibra optica datorita dimensiunii lor.

In continuare acest manual va ofera cele mai bune practici inspre a instala tubete, inspre a va ajuta sa aveti instalari, desfasurari rapide si competitive ale retelelor dumneavoastra.

FTTH (Fiber To The Home) is the network topology that, in the long run, offered the end-user direct access to optical fiber connections. It is true that tubes have an important function in applying and developing this network topology, given that these are the most common choice for protecting the fiber optic cables, due to their size.

This manual presents the best practices to install the tubes and will help you quickly and competitively install and develop your networks.

The term DB refers to ”direct buried”, which means direct burial into an existing trench. The configuration of the microduct allows it to be placed directly on the bed of sand, without the need for additional protection. We are talking here about 12/8 or 14/10 diameters, wit a wall thickness of 2 mm.

If DB techniques are used, the microducts should be placed below the freezing depth of 80 cm.

Yes, with the recommendation to use spacers between fiber bundles to avoid twisting.

Yes, with the recommendation to insert the bundle into a protection tube (monoduct) made of PE100-RC.

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  1. By open trench, using mechanized equipment (compact excavators), or by manual trenching (DB microduct)
  2. By mechanical trenching, such as microtrenching or slow-cut (DB microduct)
  3. By mechanical trenching, using a plow (DB microduct)
  4. By installation in ducts with large diameters (DI microduct)

The term DI refers to ”direct install”, which means direct installation. In this case, the configuration of the microduct allows it to be placed in a single duct that will insure additional protection. We are talking here about 12/10 or 14/12 diameters, with a wall thickness of 1 mm.

With the exception of the black microduct or bundles covered in black jacket, we do not recommend storing in direct sunlight for a period of more than 6 months.

Fiber blowing can continue, but at reduced speeds.

The dust may gather on the inner layer of silicone, thus hindering fiber blowing. Therefore, we recommend covering the ends with caps or covers.

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